Faculty/Dr.Jesús Acosta
Books (0)
Conference Publications (3)
Dr. Jesús Acosta Elias
- Biography
- Publications
- Projects
- Students
- Distinctions
- Activities

Profesor Investigador Nivel V
Facultad de Ciencias
Departamento de Electrónica
Av. Salvador Nava Mtz. s/n
Zona Universitaria
C. P. 78290, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Tel. +52 (444) 826 - 2316 ext. 2902
Fax +52 (444) 826 - 2384
E-mail: |
Página Web: Entrar

- Doctor en Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadoras, con especialidad en Sistemas Distribuidos. Junio del 2003.
- 1. Redes Móviles Ad Hoc
- 2. Sistemas Distribuidos y Redes de Datos
- 3. Sistemas de Comunicación Inalámbrica
Journal Publications (3)
- 1. Jesus Acosta-Elias, Martin Luna-Rivera, Mario Recio-Lara, Omar Gutierrez-Navarro, "Topology-Sensitive Epidemic Algorithm for Information Spreading in Large-Scale Systems", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4330, pp. 439-450,(ISSN 0302-9743, DOI: 10.1007/11946441 43, Springer-Verlag). , 2006. [url]
- 2. Ulises Pineda, César Vargas, Jesús Acosta-Elías, J.M. Luna, Gustavo Pérez, and Enrique Stevens, "Modeling a 3G Power Control Algorithm in the MAC Layer for Multimedia Support", ICCS 2004, LNCS 3036, pp. 561-564. , 2004. [url]
- 3. Jesús Acosta-Elías, U. Pineda, J.M. Luna-Rivera, E. Stevens-Navarro and Leandro Navarro Moldes, "The Effects of Network Topology on the Spreading Epidemic Algorithms", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 3036, pp. 177-184, Nr. 398.(ISSN:0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-22060-7, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-24768-5 19, Spring-Verlag). , 2004. [url]
Books (0)
Conference Publications (3)
- 1. Jesús Acosta-Elías, B. Pineda Reyes, E. Chavez Leos, Alejandro Ochoa-Cardiel, Mario Recio, and Omar Gutierrez-Navarro, "Performance Evaluation of a Self-organized Hierarchical Topology for Update of Replicas in a Large Distributed System", Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications, The copyright for this contribution is held by Springer-Verlag, Nanjing ,China. , Noviembre 2005.
- 2. Jesús Acosta Elías, Leandro Navarro Moldes, "Performance Evaluation of the Fast Consistency Algorithms in Large Decentralized Systems", International Conference on Computational Science 2004 (ICCS 2004), The copyright for this contribution is held by Springer-Verlag, Kraków Poland. , Junio 2004.
- 3. Jesús Acosta Elías, Leandro Navarro Moldes, "Generalization of the fast consistency algorithm to multiple high demand zones", in proceedings of the "International Conference on Computational Science 2003" (ICCS2003). The copyright for this contribution is held by Springer-Verlag (LNCS 2568). St.Petersburg, Russia.. , Junio 2003.
Undergraduate Level
- 1. Redes de Computadoras
- 2. Sistemas Operativos
- 3. Sistemas de Información
- 4. Temas selectos en arquitectura de software